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20 Questions with Kim May

As avid readers, we at Cursed Dragon Ship Publishing have grown bored with the questions in “respectable” interviews. What about the really important ones, like what is their least favorite chore or their favorite flavor of ice cream? This week we’ve booked Kim May.

Kim May has always been a storyteller – just ask her mother. On second thought don’t. She knows too much. Kim writes fantasy, sci-fi, thrillers, historical fiction, steampunk, and a bit of poetry because she collects genres like a cat lady collects strays.
Kim’s debut novel, The Moonflower, was a 2017 Whitney Award nominee. She also won first place in the Named Lands Poetry Contest with a haiku. Kim’s short stories can be found in The Monster Hunter Files, Straight outta Dodge City, Eclipse Phase: After the Fall, Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel, Particular Passages, Sanctuary, several issues of Fiction River, and the upcoming Predator: Eyes of the Demon anthology.
Kim lives in Oregon where she works at an independent bookstore and watches a lot of anime. She’s a retired stage actor and has a penchant for fast cars, high heels, and loose screws. To find Kim’s works or to follow her on social media go to https://linktr.ee/KimMayDay.

Join us on “20 Questions with your Favorite Author” this Tuesday on https://twitch.tv/curseddragonship at 8pm CST.