Tarbin’s False Prophet Launch Party

Come join us on Twitch for our LIVE virtual book launch featuring Tarbin’s False Prophet, the second book in Kelly Lynn Colby’s Recharging series, on Tuesday, June 9th from 7-9pm Central time here.

We’re releasing Kelly Lynn Colby’s second novel Tarbin’s False Prophet with pomp and circumstance by streaming live on Twitch with three of our fellow fantasy novelists. The first go around was hugely successful and a ton of fun. To keep us inline, Ann Rose, writer, literary agent, and all-around amazing friend, will once again be our Master of Ceremonies.

It’s been a month. Where is this again?

On Twitch.tv/curseddragonship. We have a Twitch channel for book launches, AMAs with authors and editors, and word sprints. We’re carving our own little writers corner out of the mostly gaming platform. It’s the ideal place to hold a virtual book launch where we can interact seamlessly with international readers in real time. And they can handle our numbers. So come one; come all. Pants are optional.

Who are our guests this time?

We couldn’t celebrate alone. So, we’ve invited three talented fantasy authors to join in the fun. Come with questions and we’ll be glad to answer. That’s what we’re here for. You also have the chance to win ebooks from each one.

Interviews and Prizes

Kelly Lynn Colby will interview each author and talk about their worlds and how they relate to hers. Each author is giving away free ebooks. Helen is giving away a special origami knight in the chosen pattern of the winner. Kelly is sending out two signed copies of either Tarbin’s False Prophet or Tarbin’s True Heir.

All you have to do to get your chance is come to the event and enter the raffle when each is announced. We can’t wait to see you Tuesday!

That’s enough for now. We’re off to ride dragons, sign treaties with intergalactic partners, and free an innocent from a demon’s curse. See you on the other side.