October 2022 Update
Check out the happenings! There are a lot!
- Get your copy of the technothriller End Man by Alex Austin now: https://curseddragonship.com/endman . (Book launch at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cnvh2m70aE4 )
- Abandoned is up for preorder. https://curseddragonship.com/Abandoned
- The Healer by Kelly Lynn Colby is up for preorder https://curseddragonship.com/TheHealer (Cover Launch at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=td2IHmy5E3g&list=PLOwAYwkfM81q7MmrSTrNwWaDeMK1rtU7J )
- Writing Wrongs 7pm Central on https://twitch.tv/curseddragonship