Last Night at the Jolly Chicken Kickstarter
There’s only one week left to support the Kickstarter for Last Night at the Jolly Chicken and ensure some awesome swag and celebrity stories. This project has been in the works for over a year now and we’re as happy as Oldam’s buttcrack after a spring rain. Okay, look, I’m trying here. I’ll leave the creative swearing to Kevin Pettway and the new crew of writers for Misplaced Adventures.
If you want to see the brilliant minds behind the stories that are already funded, check out the video we made. Huge thanks to Roger Johnson for editing this together and making us look professional and stuff. Well, mostly professional. We’re writers, not actors, okay?
So we have the stories from all six series authors as well as a specialized signature sticker for each paperback sold. But we have so much more we want to add. We’re on the cusp of Kevin J. Anderson’s story from his Dragon Business series and two trading cards based on characters from Misplaced Adventures. But we still have Todd Fahnestock’s story from his Legacy of Shadows series and Jody Lynn Nye’s story that has this perfect quote:

Plus, we have ten trading cards designed and prepped to go to print as soon as we hit each of the last levels. They have incredible art and hilarious details such as:

- Full Name: Edaneth, no surname
- Origin: Gallraven, Sedrios
- Occupation: Milkmaid-turned-barmaid
- Disposition: Optimistic
- Special skills: Baking, dancing, putting up with nonsense
- Ambition: To make the Pick’s Pocket halfway respectable
Pick’s Pocket series by C.M. McGuire
Quote: “I heard somewhere that dead bodies float. Should we be worried?”
After failing to marry into a better life, Edie found herself in a spot of trouble that was definitely not her fault and fled into the Sedrian swamps for safety. There, she found the Pick’s Pocket. It may or may not count as safety, but the proprietress isn’t actively trying to kill her. She has yet to determine if it smells equal to or worse than the barns where she milked the cows.
Excited yet? If we make it all the way to the final stretch goal, we have metal bookmarks with the Misplaced Adventures logo created by Lena Shore. They are engraved and fancy and perfect to hold your place when you’re too busy laughing, or crying, to keep going.

So help us bring this project to its full potential. Check out the swag and the possibility of Tuckerization in one of the first novels here.
We’re off to create more opportunities for escaping the mundane. See you on the other side.