Meet William LJ Galaini

Join us in welcoming William LJ Galaini to the CDS crew. William brings a truly unique spin to the Misplaced Adventures universe as well as an entertaining gamelit standalone.

Author Bio

William LJ Galaini has failed at more things than most folks even attempt. Given his refined process of failure, he has streamlined his wordcraft and now produces books, short stories, and game narratives that are about what he knows best; idealistic losers that save the day.

Asked and Answered

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

I was maybe seven or so when I read a kid’s version of  Pit and the Pendulum. I didn’t like the ending, so I wrote a happier one on my father’s typewriter.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?

The one my editors hate most; I invert the hell out of my sentences. It’s a holdover from my classic literature education. My language be passive, yo.

What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

Stressing out about not writing.

What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?

That no mistakes are made until the book is published. Once I learned that axiom, writing became so much easier. Just write. None of it is wrong. Only when publication occurs is anything finalized.

What do you think makes a good story?

Coherency and stakes.

Did you ever consider writing under a pseudonym?

My ego would never allow that. Since I was a child I daydreamed about having my name on books.

What do you hope readers get from your books?

Engagement and healthy inquiry. I hope to raise questions and scenarios that weren’t otherwise expected. The reader can digest them as they like with their own toolsets. I want my books’ ideas and conflicts to return to their thoughts as time goes on.

If you could tell your younger writer self anything, what would it be?

Marry Ginger. Right NOW.

As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal?

What’s the most difficult thing about writing characters of the opposite sex?

I don’t find it especially difficult be they male, female, or any of the places in between or beyond. I have trusted friends all over the gender/sex spectrum. I just write a character as a person and then have someone close to that character’s alignment do a sensitivity read. My first novel, The Line, had a female protagonist so I had a women’s book club beta read it for me. It’s a good practice, but again I don’t typically write people unlike myself as ‘others.’

How do you select the names of your characters?

I sometimes allude to themes within the character’s name via connotation. I try not to be obvious, but I use such names as place holders first and then upon finishing the book I make the final call. Names for characters can be genuinely difficult.

Why did you choose Cursed Dragon Ship Publishing?

THEY CHOSE ME. It was like that scene in Fire in the Sky. For reals.

Attached is an editor reviewing notes with me.

What was your hardest scene to write?

Going from one place to another. Just moving from place to place. Even going from room to room can suck unless you are rolling a conversation or discovering something for the reader. I call them ‘traversal’ scenes. Sinew. And they stress me out.

Aside from that, no particular scene has taxed me so much to stand out.

Do you Google yourself?

Newp. I’ve seen me plenty.

What is the most difficult part of your artistic process?

At some point, about two thirds of the way in with nearly every book, I wonder if it even makes sense. Like, does this narrative even work? Will any reader give a shit? I bet this is random nonsense. Fuck! This one character over here sucks. I hate her arc. And this theme is trite. I hate me, I hate writing, I AM FOOLING MYSELF THINKING I CAN EVEN DO THIS FOR A LIVING.

Does your family support your career as a writer?

My god, they do. My mother, sister, wife, and my son all do. They support me well beyond reason. If not for them, I’d just be a hobbyist writing tiny stories and unread novels.

What narrative formats do you enjoy?

All of them, honestly. I love comics, cartoons, video games, ballads, novels, and even some board games can establish a storyline. I gobble up ‘story’ in all its forms, be it refined or a crazy person rambling at a bus stop.

Welcome to the crew, William!

If you want to follow William and his adventures, make sure to check out his website. He sends out a free short story every quarter to his newsletter subscribers. Don’t miss out on that!